Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Keys to Emotional Freedom---IN CHRIST- key # 2/ Open Your Mouth!

Key # 1...A MADE UP MIND. As I said in my previous blog, you must have a made up mind if your are ever going to move beyond your hurt. I assure you, there IS purpose in what you have been through but you cannot help someone out of a pit you are still in. Freedom through His blood and through His Spirit is freely yours but baby, sometimes you have to FIGHT FOR IT. I can promise you this, the enemy of your soul isn't going to play pretty and he isn't going to back down easily but you just keep remembering that Christ has the keys and wants to hand them to you so you can not only walk out of your own dungeon but unlock all of the other dungeon doors while you're at it!

You see, what you have been through isn't just about you and you getting the total victory. There are so many more people that need to be free. And they need to hear your testimony that you absolutely can come out of hell and walk away from it. You can be free from the torment of it for the rest of your life. God's Word says that we are made overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. Well, you are His child, so the blood is applied. Now what you need to do is OPEN YOUR MOUTH!!

I see way too many people sit silently and allow the enemy to whisper all kinds of mess into their spirits day after day. And they always wait until Sunday to take authority because they will be with people who can help them in that altar. But guess what!? Sometimes you cannot get to church and sometimes there will be nobody around to help. So what do you do AFTER you attain the victory on Sunday morning but by Tuesday hell is once again at your doorstep and you are right by yourself!?

I remember a very rough time in my life where I had to make a choice right by myself as to whether or not I was going to continue to entertain the lies satan's little imps would bring to me. For years on end, especially since having kids, shower time was me and Jesus time. I could get in there and worship and pray and get lost with God and the door was locked so nobody could bother me! And wow what some times we would have!

 But then suddenly hell was in my face like it had never been before. Everything I had known for years was snatched away in one moment. No home, no church family, no paycheck, a marriage in pain and two kids to feed. HELL I tell ya. And the blood of Jesus. OH thank you Jesus for Your blood! Back to my story....all of a sudden hell was in my face and I was left speechless and crying. And my shower time went silent. I didn't know what to pray or what to sing. Bible verses that I knew by heart and could quote...seemed to do nothing for me. I could barely even say them. I knew the Word. But I couldn't even get it to come out of my mouth. And then the whispering words of the enemy began. "Look at the mess you are in. God could care less about ya'll. Why did God let this happen to you? You were working so well for His kingdom....making headway against the enemy. etc etc etc"  (See, the enemy of your souls will use just enough truth to make you think it ain't him talking to you. And that's why fasting and prayer ahead of turmoil is so important.) The enemy was playing his cards and I began to get very very angry. Things that I knew good and well were under the blood, my enemy began to bring back up to me. He would play my emotions and I would begin to get mad all over again. One day I was standing quietly in the shower, bathing just as quickly as possible because now I hated my shower time. And here he came again...that little imp from hell...playing his cards. I had already been thinking how badly I wanted my Jesus time back in the shower, completely afraid that I'd never have that time back. So this time, when he came whispering, I MADE MYSELF (made up mind) open my mouth and speak to him.

YOU NEED TO TALK TO THE DEVIL!!!!! He cannot hear what is in your mind....only God Almighty knows that so if you want the devil to leave you alone you MUST OPEN YOUR MOUTH!

I did that right then in the shower. I opened my mouth and for about 10 or 15 minutes I absolutely told him off. I told him to shut up, get behind me, get under my feet and leave me alone. I told him he had no authority over my mind and emotions. I told him that NO spirit would rule over me but the Spirit of the Living God! I SHUT HIM DOWN!!! I quoted every verse I could think of to remind him that he was subject to me, that my name was in the book of life and his wasn't, that his weapons would not prosper, that I was covered by the blood and he could never cross that line, that I am the bride of Christ-His daughter-the apple of His eye!

And I didn't stop there. I shut the devil down and then I took my Jesus time in the shower back! I OPENED MY MOUTH and began to praise my Savior! I made sure my enemy HEARD my praise to God. I sounded horrible but I sang to the top of my lungs....JESUS LOVES ME THIS I KNOW FOR THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO..... And then I began to really feel things break for me. The bitterness I was feeling began to die. My hurt began to be made so small in the presence of My SAVIOR! My REDEEMER! He was making all things new! Jesus had never left me and I knew it again. His Spirit came down in that shower in such a real way and I ended up on my face lying in the tub, shower still running, caught up in heavenly places with Him!

So key # 2 is YOU HAVE GOT TO OPEN YOUR MOUTH. Shut your enemy down and give God praise. I promise, I didn't feel it at first but I had gotten to a point where I couldn't stand being somewhere by myself and yet I nearly became a recluse. I was depressed and was coming close to being completely oppressed. But I saw what was happening. When hell came to our doorstep, I stood in front of my bathroom mirror and crying my head off, pointed my finger at myself and shouted...YOU CAN DO THIS!!! It is not by might or power but by the Spirit of God...YOU CAN DO THIS!

So once, you have a made up mind, open your mouth and like Jesus did, rebuke your enemy, then fill the room with praise. It may be weak at first but since He inhabits the praise of His people, as you praise, He will be enthroned and FREEDOM WILL COME!


Run the devil off and invite Jesus into the room! IN JESUS' NAME!

Romans 16:20 And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

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