Thursday, March 30, 2017

Keys to Emotional Freedom -IN CHRIST- Key # 4- Use It

DC Talk had a song back in the day. It went this way; "Ya got a gift then ya best start usin' it, cause if ya don't ya gonna wind up losin' it. Just like the brotha who buried it deep...the task was simple but the price was steep. We got a mission while we're on this earth. We need to tell others bout our second birth. Get busy like a schoolboy makin' an A cause time, my brotha, is tickin' away!

Let me explain...wait that'll take too long. Let me sum up. (Princess Bride fans will get this!)

If you don't use your gifts then you will lose them!

But Shara! You crazy woman! This is emotional TRAUMA I have experienced! TRAUMA!!! BAD! ROUGH! STORM! NOT A GIFT!

But hang on, we have already talked about changing the way we SEE our baggage. We can see it as a curse...or a blessing. A gift. So, if you have not allowed God to transform your way of thinking, you won't get this blog and you need to go seek God until change takes place.

BUT, if you really are sick of the mess and you are sick of being haunted by the mess that happened to you, and you are ready to go to the next level...the next season, then come on and go with me!

For too long, this emotional trauma has really been a TRAP laid to not only take YOU out but to also effect others around you to the point they never get free either...because they never hear YOUR testimony!

Might I submit to you that God ENTRUSTED this to you!? Trusted you to come out of the fire singing His praise? Trusted you to rise from where you fell and testify of His delivering power!?!?
So much freedom is found in seeing it all differently and once you do you can use it to bless someone else's life!

For too long you have been USED AND ABUSED by a PAST EVENT. Yes. It happened. But you lived. It is time to take it from just surviving to actually living and thriving! It did happen but it isn't currently happening!

(If it is, then I am praying for you and I believe God is able to deliver you from your current storm! Don't stay in abuse. Just don't. Get help. Talk to your pastor/pastor's wife. Find a reliable REAL Christian and GET HELP! You are absolutely worth it!! I love you and Jesus loves you. If you want out...He will MAKE A WAY!)

Back on DID happen but it is done. But your past is still running over you...still haunting you...still USING you. It has the power. ALL of these blogs are about taking the power BACK...away from the enemy of your soul...your accuser. Take a stand and don't let it run over you anymore. The way to do that is to START a new thing. Start using your testimony to minister to someone else. Don't think for a minute that you have no one who needs your testimony. You do. Start a blog. Testify on facebook. Ask to testify in small group or Sunday School. Talk to your neighbor. When you are at Wal-Mart be on the lookout for hurting people and just stop and speak life to them! If you really WANT to use your gift, God will open a door for you. Knock and the door will be opened to you.

Just like if we don't use gifts and talents the Lord has given, they can be taken away, so must we use what God has given us in life's trials and tribulations, celebrations and excitements, good times and bad. There is always, always purpose. Find your purpose and use it. You will lose ground and people around you will suffer if you never USE the things that have happened to help set somebody FREE!


SO much freedom will come as you begin to use what you have been given! It is time. Declare that it is a NEW season for you. Declare that you are completely free from the old pain...and the current pain. Declare that it no longer holds the power over you but that you have been made MORE than a conqueror through Jesus Christ....He loves you so much!

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