Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My prayer...

Lord, I am so hungry for revival! REAL REVIVAL! Break out in Glennville, Tattnall County, GA, the USA, this world! God we cry out for souls! Save us oh God! Shake us out of complacency! Shake us out of sin! Shake us out of laziness & our slothful ways! WE REPENT OH GOD! DISTURB US! DISTURB BALLGAMES AND GRADUATIONS AND CHURCH SERVICES! Release something into our midst Lord that we have never experienced before! Touch us in our prayer services....bring people in! Touch us in our worship times and our discipleship times! Confuse the enemy and give us SOULS! WE CRY OUT LORD JESUS! We are so tired of the "way things are"! God, I am not interested in the same ole same ole. I thirst...I hunger! Lord Jesus, forgive us for our lies~~when we say we are doing all we can for you and we love you more than anything else. WE LIE GOD! If we loved You more than anything else...then Your Word would DRIVE us and we would not be who we are today! God, shake our colleges~~these places of higher learning! We have learned man's ways well and have not learned Your ways at all! We repent for our education system! We repent for our church! We repent for the sins of those who came before us and dwell with us even now! We repent for our denominations! Our denominations have become so RELIGIOUS! We are dead and plucked up by the roots! Oh God we REPENT! Humble us oh God! We humble ourselves under Your mighty hand! CHANGE US! TRANSFORM US! Make us the vessels that YOU want us to be!  Oh Jesus, send REVIVAL! REAL REVIVAL! Not a nice little week of good services and fellowship~~ we have had that til we are blue in the face. God we NEED MORE! CHANGE US! God raise up a fresh generation of young men and young women  who are unafraid to LIVE HOLY LIVES! Anoint this generation! Let us be a peculiar people again! WE NEED YOU JESUS! Our ways have nearly destroyed us and they will eventually if we continue in the way we are going! Lord, we are Your people but we have turned our faces toward the WORLD! Why do we want to please this world so much!??!?! God forgive us! WE REPENT! We cry out for revival!!! Lord we TURN from our wicked, perverse, ungodly, unholy ways and we plead with You to come down and restore us again! WE CRY OUT! Hear our prayers of repentance Oh God! We need You to refresh and renew us! What we are doing is not working because we have nearly cut YOU out of the equation! We are not seeing souls saved because we are introducing the world to ourselves and our little ministries instead of introducing them to YOU JESUS!! Lord, we turn from our selfish ways and ask your forgiveness! Hear our prayers, heal our land! Let Your hand forever be on us and send REAL REVIVAL to our families, our churches, our communities, our counties, states, schools, congress, the white house, and to our entire country and this planet! LORD HEAL US! Come down oh Lord! OH THAT YOU WOULD REND THE HEAVENS! Oh Jesus if we will only rend our hearts...You would rend the heavens! REND! REND! REND!!

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