Thursday, January 9, 2014

Cowboy up---it's the last days!

We have had an interesting week! The verse from Matthew that says we are blessed when we are persecuted for Him is coming alive. I know to some that sounds scary. I am created for moments like this. I do not find fear in this. I find blessing. Let me back up and tell you what's going on!

Last night after church, some of our people came out to find that their car had been vandalized sitting right up by the church on the grass. Someone had come by and thrown a chunk of asphalt through their car window. Thankfully no one was injured and nothing was stolen. It was just a plain and simple case of mean-ness. Vandalism. Of course, we called the police to come out and do a report. Since they were there, my husband decided to show & tell them what's been going on at the church. We have had some small time vandalism going on. It's nothing major but someone has definitely been messing around the church building and tearing some things up. We got everything worked out last night and they are looking into whatever is going on.  Now let me add this to the equation! I just found out that a small church in our neighborhood has been vandalized as well. Someone painted 666 on their building. Again, vandalism. But this vandalism tends to lend itself to other ideas of what may possibly be going on.

I am not saying that there are a group of satanic thugs running around putting their mark on things. But neither am I discounting it. I am not saying the incident at our church and this other church are related...but neither am I discounting it. What I AM saying is this; we are in a time in history that we have personally never had to see. Things are turning in this country. Satanism and atheism are on the rise and may soon pass Islam as the fastest growing "religions" in this country. There is a group of Satanists in Oklahoma who are lobbying to get their statue of satan with two kids erected at the capital building there. We have never seen such.  Paul and company saw such things however! He was ministering in one area during his missionary tour and made mention of this place having statues erected to all kinds of "gods" and even one to the "unknown god". This is definitely where America is headed if we do not have a MIGHTY touch of the Master's hand.

We also have to realize that we WILL face persecution in these last days. Christians in America have not known real persecution for a very long time. People around the globe are killed daily for preaching and teaching the gospel. They are flogged, imprisoned and tormented. We whine when it's too cold to go to church. We have lived in a protected world. But I think that, in the light of this country turning to idolatry and secular humanism and a plethora of other ungodly "things",we have to understand we will soon see persecution again IF we continue to stand for Christ. We must NOT let this discourage us!! We have to go back to Matthew and read what Jesus Himself said! He said blessed are you when men persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my name's sake! He even said to rejoice in it for great is your reward in heaven! He also said they persecuted the prophets before us. Paul and the other disciples and apostles were certainly persecuted, beat, imprisoned and lied about. But they stood. They were not dissuaded from the task at get the gospel out there! They did not let fear reign over them. (That's a whole different blog for a whole different day.) These "prophets before us" did NOT cower or become wimps. They stood!

Fact is, we are going to know more persecution in these last days. We have to be strong in the power of His might and STAND. We cannot let any persecution cause us to falter or wimp out. It's time to cowboy up.

One definition I found says this:  When faced with a hard chore, it's a shift in attitude from "can't" to a positive "can-do" with confidence and a non-complaining spirit that becomes contagious.

Another says: Essentially another term for an endowment of strength and morale. Essentially another term for a similar phrase like, "toughen up", or "stop your belly-aching and fight!"

And this one says it simply enough: Basically, another way of saying "Shut up and take it like a man" or "Quit your whining." The term is derived from the popular image of cowboys being tough, unflinching, uncomplaining, and hard-working.

That's right baby! Take it like a man! Toughen up! These are the last days and NOBODY promised they'd be easy! Be we have been promised that He has already overcome this world! He cowboyed up and took the beatings, scourging, the cross and ultimately death! Martyrs for generations since then have toughened up and took the blows all the while praising His great name!

BE TOUGH! 2 Timothy 2:3
Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
DO NOT FLINCH! 1 Corinthians 16:13
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.
DO NOT COMPLAIN! Philippians 2:14
Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
WORK HARD! Colossians 3:23
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
We are not in a time for cowardice. We are not living in an era where we can be comfy Christians. It is definitely time for God's people to be strong, sober-minded, and ever vigilant! The enemy of mankind's soul would look to shut you up and sift you as wheat. In other words, he would try to "prove" that you are nothing but fluff and shut you down. When the rubber meets the road in this age, will you cowboy up or tuck tail and run?
Just a word of encouragement before I end....I also believe we can see a resurgence of Holy Ghost revival, of healings and other miracles. I believe that although we are absolutely seeing the falling away  and the apostate church scripture talks about, we can also see the outpouring that Joel told us about! We can see the former and the latter rain fall at one time! We can see things turn around if God's people will fast and pray! We have to find ourselves in a desperate state because we have learned to rely too much on mankind's way of fixing things instead of believing for God's supernatural hand to touch us! Persecution can either get you down or fire you up! Your choice!


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