Thursday, January 2, 2014


So, it has been a VERY long time since I wrote in this blog. I am scared to look and see just how long! But alas, I have not had a moments inspiration. But I have some things rolling around in this old brain right now. I have jotted a few things down on a sticky note and I am going to take them on moment by moment.
There is SO much that has transpired since I last blogged! Some things I CAN talk about and others I least not right now. I am currently homeschooling our kids. One is in the 5th grade and one is a Sophomore. NO, I don't imagine they will EVER go back to a public school setting. I will write some about that. Menopause....God help the 3 guys I live with! I will write about that...hopefully it will be funny. I have learned over the years to laugh and poke fun at myself. It makes it easier to deal! I plan to write about the spirit of jezebel. What a devil.  Fear is another topic I plan to blog about...and the fact there IS deliverance from fear! I may write on my and my husband's past and how fear was VERY real during a certain part of our lives...and how GOD ALMIGHTY brought us through! I pray it encourages you to come out of the clutches of fear!  But first, I plan ( God willing) to write about how I believe a zombie apocalypse truly is coming to this world! Yeah, that should be interesting!
Now, I know I am FAR from being the best blogger out there so don't expect perfection! But if I can shed some light on the truth at some point in these blogs then I have done what I feel I am supposed to do! I AM FINALLY INSPIRED! Thank you Jesus!

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