Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Whippin' This Temple Into Shape....

 I know beyond all doubt that I HAVE to whip this body into shape if I am going to be able to do all that God has called me and is calling me to do. Oh yeah, I can do these things but not to the best of my ability with 40 extra pounds hanging around. That's what I need to lose. I would LOVE to be 150 again. Go ahead, do the math...I don;t care. I weigh WAY too much. I am going to do something about it. I am starting a workout class two times a week at church b/c I need accountability on this thing. I also plan to drink water water water water and more water. Nope, I am not a fan but I know it works. I plan to begin walking again each morning. I love love love to walk but everytime I get going good my back goes out or my legs cease to work. It's not that normal pain you get from starting an exercise routine. It's from that stupd old wreck. But oh well...I am just going to have to deal because I really need this weight off! I am praying that I get to come off of my bp meds once I lose this weight! That would be wonderful! So I have some things I am going to try. My belly is a major problem so I have been trying to figure out what I can do to work it out without killing my back or neck. I think I can do this:
Ab Training
  • Crunches are a great way to flatten your stomach and give definition to your abs. Lie flat on your back, and extend your legs so that they are pressed against the floor. Your hands should be cupped behind your ears, with your elbows extended out. Keep your lower back in contact with the floor as you raise your upper torso three inches from the ground. Hold for one second before returning to the starting position. Complete three sets with 10 reps. You can increase the number of sets or reps as your tolerance increases.
  • Straight leg raises are good for developing your lower abs. Lie on your back, with your hands under your hips. Your lower back should be pressed firmly against the floor. Your head should be up, with your chin into your chest. Shoulder blades should be off the floor. Your legs should be extended. Keep your feet flexed, with your heels two inches from the floor. Raise your legs until they are perpendicular in the air. Lower your legs slowly, making sure to stay in control. Complete three sets with 10 reps.
  • Hanging knee raises work all your abdominal muscles, plus your hips, shoulders and back. Hang from a bar with your legs extended. Bend your knees. Raise your knees as high as possible, making sure to control all movement. Complete three sets of 10 reps.
I am not sure about the first one but I am pretty sure I can handle the other two. I ask for your heartfelt prayers on this because if you have ever lost significant weight, you know this is not easy. And yes, yes, I know I have to change eating habits too. That is usually the easiest part for me even though I tease about wanting BIG DEBRA snacks! No, they are NOT Little Debbie...they are BIG DEBRA for sure. I love salads and fruits and am learning to eat veggies. I can change and drink water way more. The exercise is always my problem because of  that stinkin wreck back in 97. So anyways, I am dedicating this endeavor to the Lord. I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH!! I know I need to be in good shape for what God is about to do in my and my family's and my extended family's lives!!!! GLORY BE TO GOD WHO IS ABLE TO SEE ME THROUGH TO THE END! AMEN!!