Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Keys to Emotional Freedom In Christ---Key # 3- Be transformed!

I remember the old Transformer cartoons from the early 80's. The little opening tune went something like this: "Transformers...robots in disguise. Transformers....more than meets the eye."

I know, I know...I probably didn't get it exactly right but you know what I am talking about! And THAT IS YOU!!! YOU ARE MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE! There is so much in you that people never see. Some of it is pretty serious and you never ever want to rehearse it to anyone. You never want anyone to know what you did...or what was done to you. So you suppress it deeeeeep down where no one could ever find it. But you know it is there. It lurks like salmonella on a kitchen counter. It haunts you and no matter what you try, it keeps coming up.

Well I personally believe you can be totally and completely FREE from the pain those memories cause and that is why I am sharing some keys with you that have helped me through the emotional trauma I have encountered. I hope these few blogs help you and encourage you to press on into freedom!

In my first blog, I talked about having a made up mind. That key is a MUST if you are going to be able to use any of these other keys. You have to daily and adamantly make your mind up that you are DONE being hurt by old wounds. Secondly, I talked about opening your mouth and telling your enemy to get lost! He cannot hear what is in your mind so if you want him to leave you alone, you have to tell him to! Tell him off, shut him down and put him on notice! Then open your mouth and give God every ounce of praise you can muster! It might be weak at first but as you praise, God will give you strength. Again, this has to be a daily choice! Speak life to what needs life...and death to what needs to die off!

Now today, I want to talk about a 3rd key....being transformed. I love His Word!

I know all too well that when the devil brings up past hurts, he brings them up with the intention of making me lose my mind, my sanctification and the victory. If he can ever keep you in a depressed, discouraged, victimized state of mind, he has won. He doesn't really care if you are saved as long as you keep your mouth long as you stay defeated and never help someone else go free! So when he brings up the hurt, not only do you need to shut him down, but you need to allow God to transform how you see the hurt.
And it starts with you....
Change the way you think about it.
Change the way you talk about it.
Change the way you REACT to it!

Ask the Lord to daily and continually renew your mind. As long as you see the old hurt as current pain, you will stay defeated and you will keep a victim mindset. You have to shake that mess off! That is not God's will for you. His will is that you be free...totally...completely...for the rest of your life! 

Want to know how to begin to change the way you think, feel, talk and react about it? 
You have to finally thank God for it. 
Don't turn me off now....
I am not negating the anguish it caused and I am in no way saying it was right or a thing that God wanted to happen to you. But when you can finally find that place where you can thank the Lord for that will find great freedom. That kind of thankfulness usually only comes when your pain finds it's purpose and if you always internalize it, yo will never be able to help anyone with your testimony. You won't find purpose until you see it as a way to rescue someone else.

BUT HOW CAN I BE THANKFUL FOR BEING (fill in the blank) ?!?!

You find it in that moment you speak peace into someone's life who has also been______________. You find it in that moment when you no longer let it use you....but you use it! 
But that's another blog.....

Remember: You can do ALL things thru Christ who gives you strength. And as you begin to step out in faith away from the will find greater strength than you have ever know because when we are weak...He is strong for us!  There is definitely more than meets the eye with you. But maybe it is time to stop seeing the pain and start seeing the purpose and promise. There is alot in you God is wanting to draw out to touch other's lives. Let Him!

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