Friday, March 31, 2017

Keys to Emotional Freedom IN CHRIST! Key # 5- Fellowship!

"Here's the story of a lovely lady
Who was bringing up three very lovely girls.
All of them had hair of gold, like their mother,
The youngest one in curls.
Here's the story, of a man named Brady,
Who was busy with three boys of his own,
They were four men, living all together,
Yet they were all alone.
Till the one day when the lady met this fellow
And they knew it was much more than a hunch,
That this group must somehow form a family.
That's the way we all became the Brady Bunch.
The Brady Bunch,
The Brady Bunch, That's the way we became the Brady Bunch!"

The lovely lady and her girls, whatever their situation with not having a Dad, were a family... wounded. The Brady men could also been seen in the same way. The man and woman fall in love, marry and blend their family. They had to work at it and they had ups and downs but when all was said and done, healing came into this family because they allowed themselves to BECOME a family. Whether they were stuck in jail in a fake western town on vacation, or a Hawaiian vacation constantly went wrong; whether Jan was jealous of Marsha, Marsha got hit in the face with a ball, or Peter was crying wolf, the Brady's worked out their issues and resolved their differences. They grew to love one another, care for each other, stick up for their siblings and keep on trying even when they failed. Fact was, they needed each other.

Now I realize it is a silly show but this is just how it is in the family of God. We NEED each other. We need fellowship with other of God's kids. We can draw strength from one another and when one hurts, we all hurt. When one rejoices and has a victory, we ALL celebrate! Fellowship is a KEY element in finding healing and freedom from the mess.

I mentioned in one of these previous blogs how I nearly became a recluse during a very bad time in our lives. I was depressed and discouraged by how things were turning out. Some people had caused some issues and so I no longer wanted to be around people....and yet I was so lonely. There was only two or three people I even trusted. As I said before, the enemy really began to talk to me to convince me nobody gave a care about me, my family, or what was happening to us. I learned during that time that drawing myself AWAY from people was exactly what the devil wanted.

That is what he wants for you become a recluse....draw yourself away from other people. He does this so he can whisper his nasty little plan into your heart. But you have to make a choice to kick him to the curb! Drawing yourself away from God's people is the worst thing you can do when you are going thru hell! We really do need each other! Someone has strength to offer you and YOU have strength to offer someone else!

This is why God's Word tells us this:

Going to church isn't only about faithful attendance or obeying His Word although that is VERY important. It is so much more about the courage and strength we receive AND give when we come together in His name! Fellowship is key to getting free and staying free!

Yes, yes, I totally realize that there can be some wackadoos, even at church. BUT I guarantee you that even in the smallest of churches, there is someone there to whom you can connect. There is someone whom you need and who needs you! Don't neglect getting together with believers! 

Whether you or others are falling flat, making mistakes, crying, laughing or celebrating, work out the issues and resolve the differences. AND ALWAYS CAPITALIZE ON THE VICTORIES!! That is a moment of momentum when you can really pursue the things of God! Grow to love one another, care for each other, stick up for your church family siblings and keep on trying even when you fail. Fact is, we need each other and we can do amazing things for the kingdom of God when we are FREE and work together! Cheesy sounding, I know. But oh so true! So, DON'T GO THIS ALONE!!! Get out there, be free, build something great, celebrate and FELLOWSHIP!

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