Thursday, September 21, 2017

What You Get When You Marry a Hill Girl

This is for all my girls goin' thru and for the one's who have yet to. This is for the men we love!

Let me just break it on down for ya. This is what you get when you marry a woman with Brondell Hill's DNA. Maybe someone without our dna can benefit from this too but this is for my girls.

When you marry a HILL GIRL, you get a strong, wildly independent woman of God. You get a woman with a stubborn streak a mile wide and I will be the first to publicly declare we are not an easy group to be married to. You get a woman who knows what she wants. You probably get a woman who will have early issues with her hormones. You get a woman you will NEVER fully understand. But let's face it, men will never fully understand any woman and we will never fully understand you either.

Let me tell you, it takes a REAL MAN to be married to a Hill woman. It takes a man who knows who He is in His manhood as well as in Christ. It takes a man full of grace. It takes an unselfish man. It takes a man who has a love for His wife just like Christ did for the church...and died for it. Again, we are not easy to be married to, but a REAL MAN can handle us.

Let me tell you what else you get when you marry a Hill girl. You get a woman who is fiercely devoted to YOU. You get a woman who, even in 2017, will still lay aside HER last name and take YOURS....for the rest of her life. You get a woman who will stand by your side through the most hellacious moments and hold  you when you hurt, then tell you to rise above it and move on. You have a woman who, when you think you can handle no more, will tell you to pick yourself up and move forward because, after all, she is by YOUR side....and she won't leave you. You get a woman who will take care of and nurture YOUR children even if they are the ones with fur on them! You have a woman who, even though she has her ideas of what your future is, will ultimately follow you to the ends of the earth if that is what YOU feel like God wants you to do. Yes, she is fiercely independent but she wants YOU to lead.

Nope, we are not a mushy, gushy group of girls. Nope, we probably won't do alot of "babying" when you feel bad. But you know what? We will love you. We will be insanely devoted to you. We may not even like golf, computers, football or hunting but we will go do it because WE LOVE YOU. You won't find another woman like a Hill girl. You won't find another woman who will offer grace and forgiveness the way we do. We offer it with an expectation that you will arise from where you have fallen, wipe the mud off your face and move forward. We don't wallow in grief. So, if it looks like we are moving forward with or without you, it is because we are. But it does not mean we are not hurting and it does not mean we don't want or love you.

So, if ya think you are missing out on something, you might better think again. Ya might better look at what God gave you and celebrate that He loved you enough to give you a HILL GIRL!!!!

And to you men who ARE real men and brave enough to have us stand beside you, thank you. We love you-fiercely.

To those hurting among us, I love you so very much and I pray for you EVERY STINKING DAY of my life. I pray for Godly, amazing, submitted to God, unselfish, whole hearted men to stand and be the men of God they are destined to be. I reject and rebuke selfishness in the name of Jesus. I claim victory over every one of our families. AMEN.

To the love of MY life, Jeff Horne....I know I am not mushy but baby I love you and I thank you for loving me! Til death....