Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Are you feeling broken from the battles in your life?  Are you feeling overshadowed by giants (financial, relationships, health, etc)?  When David was staring up at the face of Goliath, when no one else would stand and fight, where did his courage come from?  David KNEW that his God was bigger than the giant standing before him.  David knew all that was required of him was to place that one little stone in the sling, pull it back, and let it go!  It was God who would direct the outcome of that stone.  David KNEW that the battle belonged to God and the victory belonged to him through faith.  Can you gather new courage to stare down the giants in your life?  Can you let God be bigger than the giants?  The battle belongs to God, and the victory belongs to us if we have the faith to put a little stone in our sling, pull it back and let God prove himself faithful in taking down our giants.  In this life, we can’t avoid difficulties and struggles, but God tells us He cares about every area of our life, great and small.

John 16:33-These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

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